Outstanding natural sites

Discover the outstanding natural sites of Bozel's valley. 
La Dent du Villard is a peak that offers a beautiful panorama of the Vanoise massifs, Mont Blanc and the surrounding peaks. This summit is original ...
The valley of Champagny le Haut (1500m) enjoys the status of natural site since 1992 and is characterized by its traditional hamlets grouped, listed ...
The canyons of Ballandaz are a real treasure in the heart of the mountains of Tarentaise. It is an amazing natural spot marked by the strength of the ...
The Vanoise National Park created in 1963 due to the disappearance of the ibex is the oldest national park in France. It offers a majestic space ...
The panorama offers a view of the Ecrins as well as the Cervin, with the Mont Blanc and the Vanoise domes in the foreground. Enjoy the autentic ...
Classified in 1935, the Vuzelle waterfall is an outstanding element of the landscape of the valley of Planay, which is easy to see with the 3 peaks of...
From mid-June to mid-September, the cows are in the pastures.
La Croix de Feissons , situated on a rocky 1389 metre high promontory, dominates Moutiers. This site offers a view on several mountains : la ...